
  1. 但我知道我们的友谊像烟花般美丽像流星般永恒,值得我用一生去守候!

    But I know our friendship is like fireworks beautiful like a meteor eternal , worth me to go to with the whole life waiting !

  2. 这种感觉太美妙了,我简直无法用言语表达自己的激动,这个天使是上帝赐给我最好的礼物,我将用自己的一生去守候他,也希望他能健康快乐的成长。

    It is fantastic . I cannot express my excitement in words . The angel is the best gift god give to me . I will devote all my life to caring for him and hope he can grow up healthily and happily .

  3. 是一生的相守,还是一生的守候?

    Xiangshou a life , or the life of waiting ?