
  1. 溶胶-凝胶法一步工艺制备疏水性FAS-SiO2复合薄膜

    One Step Process for Fabricating Hydrophobic FAS - SiO_2 Composite Films Using the Sol - Gel Method

  2. 本文作者对TiO2/白云母纳米复合材料制备过程中每一步工艺进行了研究。

    The author attempted to have a subdivision towards the preparation process of titania-mica composite nano-materials and explored the details of every phase .

  3. 主要介绍了在烧结配料系统中自动化控制仪表的应用,并根据烧结工艺需求将各种物料按照所需量自动投入,由皮带输送到混合机中进行下一步工艺的生产。

    This paper introduced the application of autocontrol instrument in batching system , and charged materiel in rational scale , on top of carrying mixer and go along next process .

  4. 工艺卡片的生成是工艺设计的最后一步,工艺卡片能否快速准确地生成直接关系到CAPP系统的高效性和适用性。

    Building the process cards is the last step in the process planning , then it influences the efficiency and applicability of CAPP .

  5. 钨粉一步还原工艺

    One-step reducing process to tungsten powder

  6. 无害化一步提取工艺处理含砷难处理金矿的研究

    Studies of an One step Non toxic Technique to Extract Gold from a Refractory Ore Bearing Arsenic

  7. 相同条件下,一步合成工艺制备过程中硝酸银的转化率明显高于二步合成工艺。

    At similar conditions , the conversion percent of silver nitrate in one-step technology was much higher than that in two-step technology .

  8. 对:每一步合成工艺都进行了详细的工艺研究,反应总收率为13.6%,比文献方法提高了5.5%。

    The overall yield has been increased to 13.6 % , which was more 5.5 % than that of the original literature method .

  9. 以碱法造纸黑液为主要原料,经过一步合成工艺制备钻井泥浆降滤失剂。

    The filtrate loss controller for drilling fluid is prepared by one step method using alkaline paper making black liquor as main raw material .

  10. 相比传统的一步酯化工艺,可大幅度降低醇油比,大大缩短酯化反应时间。

    Compared to the traditional esterification process , this experiment could significantly reduce the alcohol to oil ratio , greatly shorten the esterification reaction time .

  11. 培养基配比同一步转化工艺,溶料时底物中添加相当发酵液体积0.5‰的吐温-80和0.5‰甘油聚醚。

    The composition of medium is the same as that of single-step process . The substrate was dissolved by 0.5 ‰ tween-80 and 0.5 ‰ defoamer .

  12. 考虑到放电等离子烧结的一步成形工艺,将粉末材料的热电性能参数假设为温度和密度的双变量函数。

    Considering the single step processing technique of SPS , the thermal-electrical properties parameters of powder material were assumed as bivariate functions of temperature and the relative density .

  13. 按照优化配方重复试验,结果表明配方是可靠的、操作条件是合理的、砂磨罐一步研磨工艺是可行的。

    According to the selected optimum recipe , the results are , the formulation is reliable , condition is rational and one step grinding with sand-mill is practicable .

  14. 叙述了镁合金表面除油、酸洗、光洗、化学转化及阳极氧化处理的方法和原理,提出了酸洗、光洗和化学转化一步处理工艺。

    The methods and mechanism of degrease pickling , finishing etch , chemical conversion treatment and anodizing treatment on magnesium alloys surface were discussed in the paper . " One-step " treatment process was proposed .

  15. 首次研究了从一步发酵工艺的醪液质量对二步发酵的收率及周期影响,并确定了一步发酵工艺对二步发酵工艺影响因素。

    Studied the effect of quality of the one step liquid to the second step fermentation rate and periods first time , confirmed the effect factor of the one step leavens process versus the second step .

  16. 苯酚的合成是通过传统的工艺完成的,而传统的合成苯酚的工艺过程繁琐,副产物多,污染环境,因此传统的多步合成苯酚的工艺正在逐步向一步合成工艺发展。

    Phenol was synthesized by the traditional process . The traditional process of phenol synthesis is cumbersome . And by-product influences environment . So the traditional process of multi-step synthesis of phenol gradually develops into single-step process .

  17. 在二步发酵工艺中另添加0·4%纤维素,几丁质酶活力可提高4倍,比一步发酵工艺提高10倍,酶活力达18·52U/mL。

    By adding 0.4 % cellulose to two-step fermentation , activity of chitinase was 18.52 U / mL that was 4 times higher than that from the control and 10 times higher than that from one-step fermentation .

  18. 通过一步优化沉积工艺条件,成功地制备了高基面择优取向Zn-Fe合金镀层。

    Zinc-iron alloy coatings with highly basal preferred orientation were successfully obtained from acidic sulphate electrolytes by further optimizing plating parameters .

  19. 采用新型的一步法制备工艺,加上多种添加剂,制备出一种高滴点、具有良好稳定性和优秀极压性的WS2高温锂基润滑脂。

    We adopt a new one step method producing technology , add many kinds of addictive and produce a kind of WS2 high temperature lubricating grease with high dripping dot , good stability and excellent extreme pressure . There is no decreasing temperature process .

  20. 湿法一步法制膏工艺的研究

    The Study of Toothpaste Production by Wet One-step Process

  21. 变矿房、矿柱两步回采工艺为一步连续回采工艺

    Changing Two-stage Room Fender Stoping into Single-stage Continuous Stoping

  22. 米粉一步成型新工艺探讨

    Delving into the New Technology of One - step Shaping of Rice Noodles

  23. 磷酸氢钙生产中一步脱氟工艺的研究

    Study on a New Technique of One-step Defluorination in the Production of Calcium Hydrogenphosphate Dihydrate

  24. 采用一步模压成型工艺制备复合板,降低了双极板的加工成本。

    Graphite / polymer composite plate was manufactured using compression molding with one-step which decreases the processing cost .

  25. 在生产过程中,在最后一步干酪生产工艺前向凝块中添加一些浓味青霉的孢子。

    In this case Penicillium roqueforti spores are added to the curds just before the final cheese processing .

  26. 脱色工艺是青霉素提取过程中很重要的一步,其工艺处理的好坏直接影响青霉素的质量。

    Decolorization is an important step in the penicillin extraction process , the quality of its process has direct impact on the quality of penicillin .

  27. 研制出一步溶媒法工艺合成羟丙基瓜尔胶,使改性反应针对胚乳片进行,直接加工得到羟丙基瓜尔胶。

    One-step solvent media process to produce hydroxypropyl guar gum ( HPG ) is developed , endosperm splits are modified and directly pulverized into HPG powder .

  28. 电渣熔铸一步成型新工艺又研制出了多拐曲轴。新工艺将精炼、铸造和整根曲轴的成型在同一设备中一次完成,省略了锻造或分段电渣铸焊。

    A new ESC process has been successfully to produce complete multicrank developed shafts by one step in a water cooled mold without forging and multistage ESC welding .

  29. 采用一步环氧化工艺制得环氧值为45%的环氧鱼油,研究环氧鱼油的性质及其在氯乙烯中的应用。

    Epoxy fish oil with 4.5 % epoxy value is prepared by epoxidation . Properties of epoxy fish oil and its applications in poly ( vinyl chloride )( PVC ) are studied .

  30. 概述目前国内钢丝镀铜工艺现状,介绍钢丝无氰常温快速一步镀铜新工艺的规范和技术参数。

    To summarize present technology situation of Cu plating on steel wire at home . New process regulations and technology parameter for non cyanide Cu plating on steel wire with fast one step method at room temperature are introduced .