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  • first baseman
  1. 现金男最近也说过他不会在市场上找一垒手。

    Cashman said recently that he is not in the market for a first baseman .

  2. 吉昂比可能不是最理想的一垒手,但他确实是拼了老命来防守。

    He may not be the ideal first baseman , but he sure is giving one hell of an effort .

  3. 台湾的兄弟象棒球队相当于纽约的洋基队(Yankees),它的前任一垒手现在不分昼夜,绝大部分时间都是在当地一个球场内一间充满老军舰魅力的简朴房间里度过。

    The former first baseman for the Brother Elephants , Taiwan 's equivalent of the Yankees , now spends most of his days and nights deep in a local stadium , in a spartan room with all the charm of an old warship .

  4. 他会在生涯中首次担任一垒手的工作吗?

    Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman ?

  5. 他是打击机器&一垒手长名男说。

    " He 's a machine ," first baseman Doug Mientkiewicz said .

  6. 一垒手、二垒手、三垒手和游击手则叫做内野手。

    The first , second and third basemen and shortstop are called infielders .

  7. 游击手将球投给一垒手,后者将跑垒员淘汰出局。投手飕的一声把球投给一垒手。

    The shortstop threw the runner out . The picher whized the ball to first .

  8. 为了挪出空缺让小菲成为登录的球员,洋基将一垒手乔许菲尔普斯放入让渡名单。

    In order to create room for Phillips on the roster , the Yankees designated first baseman Josh Phelps for assignment .

  9. 小菲星期二再次获得了回到大联盟的机会,成为洋基新任的一垒手。

    Phillips earned a Major League job to call his own again on Tuesday , joining the Yankees with designs as the new starting first baseman .

  10. 但是,投手拿到球后,传了一个大弧线,把球投到了右半场,这样一垒手根本接不着。

    Instead , the pitcher took the ball and threw it on a high arc to right field , far beyond the reach of the first baseman .

  11. 他在这个冬季没有名列在球队的计画之中,不过,当洋基只使用4名外野手来容纳12名投手而两名一垒手。

    He no longer appeared to fit into the club 's plans over the winter , however , when the Yankees settled on carrying just four outfielders to accommodate a12-man pitching staff and a platoon at first base .

  12. 投手彼得见跑垒员不在垒上就猛然把球投给一垒手,一垒手跑垒员夹杀在二垒前。

    Peter , the pitcher , saw that the base runner was not on base , so he surprised him by throwing the ball to the first baseman , who ran him down before he reached second base .

  13. 你在一垒上有人,那一垒手是谁。

    Have you got a first baseman on first ? Yeah .

  14. 站在第一垒附近投手右边的叫一垒手。

    The man to the right of the pitcher standing near first base is called the first baseman .