- 网络lag;Hysteresis;Time Lag

Research on the hysteresis of atom cluster size variation in GA melt from the nucleation undercooling
Second , By the Granger Causality Tests using the actual data , we also found the contribution of the information technology to economic growth have hysteresis , the lag is 4 years .
The Research of Temperature Hysteresis Rule on Fiber Bragg Gratings Sensing
Secondly , the paper analyzes the time characteristics and the influential factors of Hunan 's soil acid-buffer ability .
Finally , ERP has a process to company performance , in a short time cannot manifest .
Because pH process is serious nonlinear and delay , it is difficult to have a ideal control effect for traditional PID control or nonlinear PID control .
The results showed that boron adsorption by Ca montmorillonite increased with increasing temperature , whereas boron adsorption by goethite and manganite decreased as temperature rose .
The quantity and compositions of the leachate change continuously with different seasons . so it is very difficult to control pH because of the nonlinear characteristics and deadtime .
The sewage pumping station has the characteristics of nonlinear , time-varying and complex lag , so it is difficult to obtain satisfactory control using conventional PID control .
The pH value had a very significant impact on the normal operation of the UASB reactor , however , showed the lag of some impact .
According to the operation state of the system , BP nerve network is employed to regulate the parameter of PID controller to reach the optimization in the nonlinear and sluggish time-lag dry system .
The traditional methods of mine environment assessment and analysis have some disadvantages , such as time lagging , waste of energy and money , etc. We hope to overcome them by the means of GIS .
Maximum monthly NDVI and monthly runoff were there for a significant response in precipitation , and NDVI response to precipitation with a lag .
Government subsidies positively regulate the positive correlation between R D investment and company value , and R D investment affects company value with a lag , and the positive adjustment of government subsidies in non-state companies is more significant .
The effect of TRIPS Agreement improves the development of the international copyright regime into a new age-post-TRIPS period , during which the development of the law obviously lags behind the modern technology .
After supposing argumentation , the reason of un-coordination between urban disaster carrying capability and development proved is the hysteresis of disaster carrying capability . And the developing trends are also judged by classic Daniel function .
Aiming at the thermocouple checkout stove with more lag , non-linearity and variability , and difficult to be controlled very well by using conventional method , a kind of intelligent PID controller is put forward by combining fuzzy expert system controller and PID controller .
In recent years , with the rapid development of electronic commerce , logistics is not able to catch up the development of the E-Commence , that seriously affected and restricted the development of B2B e-commerce .
Based on the characteristic of the delay , nonlinearity and time-varying in the temperature control system of spin flash dryer taking PLC as the temperature controller , the adaptive fuzzy PID control method is adopted to the entrance temperature of Φ 1000 type spin flash dryer .
The system provides a hardware platform for the growth of large KDP crystals , at the same time provides a feasible solution for industry to solve similar strong time-varying , large hysteresis control object .
The biological activities of LPS are mediated by TNF α and IL 6 indirectly . And TNF α and IL 6 exert their effects on the receptor and post receptor levels respectively , but the effect of TNF α is of hysteresis .
The transformation of the agricultural workforce has lagged behind nature ;
Analysis on Hysteresis Nature of Permeation Observation Data of Earth Dam
On the Time - lag and Activity of the Institution Supply
Process Study on Hysteresis of Vegetation Cover Influencing Sand-dust Events
Such stocks have lagged reaction to commodity futures market .
Cultural resources have three Characteristics : potentiality , hysteresis and unity .
Leading and explicit aims with hidden and postponed outcome ;
Discussions on the Lag of the Chinese Urbanization Level in International Comparison
This determined existing laws in China there was a noticeable lag .