- 网络Sex And The City;sex and city;Sex & the City

More recently , it was the backdrop for the final season of HBO'sSex and the City .
Favoured by shoe-crazed Carrie Bradshaw of Sex And The City fame , Manolo Blahniks are famous for their sleek lines , not comfort levels .
Carrie Bradshaw , ' Sex and the City ' ( Sarah Jessica Parker )
Appropriately fans of Manhattan 's elite will also be treated to an exclusive sneak peek at the another fashion-heavy , New York-based series , the Sex and the City prequel The Carrie Diaries .
We go to Paris with Carrie and get our heart broken , and then Mr. Big shows up , we don 't know if we can trust him again . It 's a wild ride .
In the April issue of British Harper 's Bazaar , Sarah Jessica Parker says , Sex and the City , which started on the HBO excatly one decade ago this week , was a more innocent time .
A far cry from this Sex and the City getaway .
You actually were on Sex and the City . Yes .
Carrie writes the column " Sex And The City " .
Girls has been compared to another famous television show , Sex and the City .
But unlike Sex and the City , Girls portrays a very different kind of feminine companionship .
Sex and the City has been extremely successful at opening men 's eyes to the private world of women .
In Sex and the City , Miranda and Carrie frequent a place called Magnolia Bakery at 401 Bleeker Street .
This isn 't Sex and the Cit -- it 's a college campus , and you 're going to be walking constantly .
For 6 successful seasons , it 's not just sex and fashion that made the show Sex and City a cultural landmark .
Life shouldn 't be an episode of " Sex in the City . " That kind of life leaves you depleted and hollow .
It all seems rather more " Sex and the City " than Asian values , though the manicurists , pedicurists , cosmetologists and hairdressers toil diligently .
Followers of the hit US TV series Sex and the City may remember that one of Carrie Bradshaw 's boyfriends broke up with her via a Post-it note .
Jennifer Aniston came in at fourth place with $ 27 million , and " Sex and the City " star Sarah Jessica Parker was No. 5 at $ 25 million .
Action flick " The Last Airbender " and comedy " Sex and the City 2 " earned the wrathof Razzie voters on Saturday in the annual Oscarspoof that spotlights Hollywood 's worst performances .
Sarah Jessica Parker , Kim Cattrall , Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis , the four stars of " Sex and the City 2 , " were collectively named worst actress at the Razzies .
Anyone who grew up watching " Sex and the City " dreamed of living like Carrie Bradshaw , but in reality , you need plenty of personal funding to support a career as a writer .
We were all working in the writers ' room of Sex and the City , talking , pitching ideas , our personal love lives weaving in and out of the fictional lives we were creating in the room .
This finding contradicts the famous scenario in the Sex and the City TV series and films in which Sarah Jessica Parker 's character Carrie Bradshaw is content to have three close friends - Charlotte , Miranda and Samantha .
Cynthia Nixon , a liberal activist and a star of the hit television series " Sex and the City , " is considering a run for governor of New York , challenging incumbent Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary , NY1 television said .
For those who missed the first season , Girls is categorized as a comedy series , but it 's not like Sex and the City or Gossip Girls , which are both female-themed series focusing on friendships and relationships and showing off the heroines " glamorous lifestyles .
So I 'm sitting in the writers ' room at Sex and the City pondering my good fortune to be the only straight male on the predominantly female writing staff ( actually I 'm just eating a cookie ) , when the writers begin talking about the guys they 're seeing .
Meryl Streep came in at No. 3 with $ 24 million , most of which came from her role in " Mamma Mia , " while Sarah Jessica Parker was ranked fourth with $ 23 million in earnings following the movie version of TV series " Sex and the City . "
This is a desire city which is full of delusive and mystical hue .
Is filling the desire the metropolis , very many people all cannot runinto the person which wants to meet , either has missed the time , either has missed the place , either has missed the event , but I do not want to miss you .