- 【化工】multicomponent system

Effects of Antimony Dopants on the ZnO-V_2O_5 Multicomponent Varistor Ceramics
A thermodynamic description of a multicomponent B2 phase
This paper investigated the amorphous complex alloys which were formed by adding trace elements ( Cr , Ni ) in Fe-based amorphous alloys Fe-Si-B and revealed excellent antioxidation and soft magnetic properties after annealing in air .
An analogue Margules equation on phase boundaries in multicomponent systems
This paper compares the properties of Ag W alloy with and without Cu , Ni added and indicates how the multi element phase is formed in the sintering process by infiltration .
The bizarre behaviour of Murphree point efficiencies and its relations with the concentration profiles in a multicomponent distillation column
On the principle of the Gibbs energy being minimum in phase equilibria at constant temperature and pressure , the relationships between chemical potential and compositions on phase boundaries of multicomponent systems are derived by using Lagrange 's method of indeterminate coefficients .
Our results indicated that although aqueous hydrogen iodide is a strong electrolytic solution , by use of NRTL equation and expanding its parameters into polynomial series of temperature , it was able to predict multicomponent equilibrium from binary data .
By introducing effective chain - insert probability into the excess entropy and adopting Wohl expression for the excess internal energy , a molecular thermodynamic model for a multicomponent system based on the Flory - Huggins lattice model has been established .
Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Methyldichlorosilane + Methyltrichlorosilane + Dimethyldichlorosilane + Benzene Systems
And the prediction of multi-systems by binary parameter is also good .
Study on the Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for Methylamines and H_2O Multicomponent Systems
Vapor Liquid Equilibria Model of the Complex Systems Containing Formaldehyde
The theory of partial simple solutions for the multicomponent systems
A simplified method for the evaluation multicomponent excess functions
Establishing of Regression Model Equation ?? Application of Regression Analysis in Ceramics Polynary
Study of Multi-Element Materials with Immiscible Element on Liquid Sintering Mechanisms and Characteristics
The Most Probability Distribution Function on Multimember System
Multicomponent system phosphating process at medium temperature
The amount of the units in polynary has effect on the two temperature points too .
The general method applied in the study of mineral coexistence relationship in polyphase system is also discussed in the paper .
Through a dynamic supply of phase equilibrium information in Fe-Cr-Ni-G system , the boundary conditions of the diffusion process are determined ;
This paper studied the main factors influencing the formation enthalpy of ternary alloy and has established a theoretical model of formation enthalpy for ternary alloy .
Multi-element liguid-phase sintering gains its wide application in practical production of powder metallurgy , but its corresponding liquid-phase sintering theories lag behind the development of practical application .
It has been well established that the diffusivity matrix in a multicomponent system can be constructed by using atomic mobilities of various elements in phases and thermodynamic factor .
A new method is proposed available to the calculations of partial molar thermodynamic properties of two components in a ternary system if those properties of another are given .
Based on the equal probability principle , the article deduces the most probability distribution function in a multimember system of the sub-independent particles and obtains the uniform distribution function .
A multicomponent system phosphating process at medium temperature was developed by adding cations such as calcium , manganese , nickel , magnesium and ammonium into zinc system phosphating solutions .
It is applicable to various small molecule liquid mixtures and polymer solutions , and can be used to predict the VLE of multi - component systems with the binary parameters .
A thermodynamic modeling is developed for slag-metal equilibration in LF , deoxidation control of the melt and prediction of composition of oxide inclusion in steel based on the sub-regular solution model of multi-component system .