- 名chemical element

[chemical element] 原子核中质子数相同,因而电荷数也相同的一类原子的总称。例如碳就是一种化学元素,因为碳不论以单质形式或以化合物形式存在,它的核电荷数总是6。现在已经发现的化学元素有106种,简称元素
A solid powdered chemical element was used to replace the mother liquid of the MS medium .
C is found to be the most abundant element in the various plants of 31-aged Robinia pseudoacacia plantation , especially in the trunk of Robinia .
Callahan posits that chemical elements radiate electromagnetic signals .
What 's the chemical symbol for mercury ?
Characteristics of Chemical Elements in Beijing PM_ ( 10 ) and Their Source Apportionment
Based on analyses by 14C , paleomagnetism , amino acid , micropaleontology , minerals and geochemistry , the stratification and their depositional period are determined .
The carbon-rich fragments were found to contain chemicals similar to one of the key components of DNA , the building blocks of life .
The later is related to the movements of key elements essential to life ( C , N , P , S ) in the Earth system .
K , Ca , Mg contents of tobacco seedlings were richer than those of tobacco plants , especially two to three leaves stage .
Therefore , accumulation of chemical elements N , P , K , and excessive length of greenhouse cultivation soil were the main obstacles to continuous cropping . 2 .
All of the CCA components were leached significantly more in red pine than southern pine .
NOx emission character of marine diesel engine is analyzed in the aspects of engine structure , fuel oil and air in-taking condition .
Oxygen atom O is one of chemical elements , and most steady existing way with oxygen atom is diatomic species O2 .
The elemental concentrations and elemental distribution of particles were obtained by PIXE method . RIA was used to examine the concentration of estradiol and progesterone .
Studies on the nourishing properties of geochemical elements in Antarctic mosses and lichens show that potassium and calcium were the most active elements , while phosphorous was accumulated in the middle part of lichen cells , and participated in organic synthesis .
Comparing the amount of elements in litter with which in plantation , the ratio of Na is the highest one with the higher ratio of Ca , Mn , Fe , Zn . These elements will gradually return to the soil .
The authors introduce a new technique to delineate geochemical anomalies automatically , adopt a content-area method based on fractal theory to find the low limit of geochemical anomalies , and take the technology of GIS as the platform of mass data and space information management .
Au has been considered as one of the least active catalysts for a long time . However , recent research discovered that the supported Au catalyst showed high activity for the low temperature oxidation of CO and VOCs .
The special feature of " being more sensitivity to light elements " decides that the micro - and trace analysis of chemical elements and the determination of low-Z elements on silicon wafer in semiconductor industry are the most potential applications of the technology .
The X-ray diffraction analysis , laser size analysis and plasma spectrometric methods were used to analyse the mineral compositions , size compositions and chemical elements of the suspended materials taken from the Huanghe and Changjiang Rivers and the dust storm materials taken from Shangdong Province .
Chemical elemental distribution is not homogeneous in every transitional coating . Zr and mg elemental distribution is similar , yet the distribution of Zr and Ni is supplementary . Cr and Al elements are placed as oxide inclusions in the boundary area between splats .
A lot of the names and symbols of the elements don 't seem to match , but that 's usually because the symbol comes from a Latin translation , like gold 's " Au . " The exception is tungsten , whose symbol is " W. "
The experimental results on microstructure and corrosion morphology by SEM and chemical composition analysis by WDS indicate that the excellent corrosion resistance of electrolytic Al-Si alloy is related to both the homogeneity of chemical composition and the fine microstructure of alloy .
The aim of this study was to determine and analyze the content and feature of chemical elements in Nilaparvata lugens ( N. lugens ) from different regions of China by ICP-MS , and to compare the changes in chemical element concentrations in the soil-rice plant-N , lugens system .
According to the vertical change of their organic composition , mineral composition , and main chemical elements , they are obviously divided into 3 zones : 1 . Rich aragonite organism accumulation zone , whose depth distribution ranges from the sea level to 60m ;
The atmospheric fine particle ( PM2.5 ) samples were collected from December 2002 to October 2003 in Nanjing urban and suburban areas respectively . The contents of 17 kinds of chemical elements were obtained with analysis using the XRF-9800 fluorescent analysis instrument .
The human body consists of many kinds of chemical elements .
22 ~ 24 chemical elements in phosphate rock are presented .
Chemical element abundances in the earth and it 's major shells
Tentative Analysis on Discovery of the Elements Translated by Chang Tzu-kung